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Planetary Herbals Triphala Traditional Ayurvedic Purifier, 1000 mg, 180 Tablets (Pack of 2) by Planetary Formulas
Planetary Herbals Triphala Traditional Ayurvedic Purifier, 1000 mg, 180 Tablets (Pack of 2) by Planetary Formulas

Product Code: 174


What is Triphala?
Technical Name:An Ayurvedic Indian herbal mixture of three fruits
Used for:Constipation, poor bowel tone
Available In:Capsules
Herb Drug:None known
Interaction:None known, but if you're taking medication and triphala, take them at different times of the day.
When Buying:Take only capsules. Avoid the powdered form. Two Indian brands, Dabur and Hammdar, are recommended by Indian practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine.
Dosage and Warning:As product directs. Best used regularly to improve bowel tone. Take seperately from other other medications.

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